The Rye Project - Vol. One, Batch One
In Collaboration with Willett Family Estate
From culture iconoclasts, James Bond and Jon Buscemi, comes Wolves, “California’s first luxury Whiskey.” – Forbes. The Rye Project is Wolves’ first product offered into traditional distribution. Volume One is in collaboration with Willett Family Estate.
The Rye Project is anchored by a very low-content (51%) rye whiskey distilled in Indiana and aged for 6 years in new American oak. We are starting from a place of sweet more than spice, and going from there. No barrel finishes, no gimmicks. Wolves aims to deliver straightforward and balanced expressions of the best Rye in the world, in a low-rye format.
Upon acquisition, the barrels were sent to Sonoma County for further aging. Then, Wolves and Willett Master Distiller Drew Kulsveen selected barrels of 7 and 6 year straight Rye whiskey, with a 74% Rye mash bill, from the Willett Family Estate reserve. Barrels were picked from House A, South Rick 14, and House H, South Rick 6.
Between the 51% Rye and the 74% Family Estate Rye barrels, Wolves found a nice balance in a Willett-dominant blend and at 103 proof for Batch 1. Batch 2 will be bottled at barrel strength.
The custom cork top was inspired by the knob of a baseball bat that is a family heirloom of Jon Buscemi, while the label was created in partnership with a bespoke wine label maker in Sonoma County