Blackened x Willett Kentucky Straight Rye Whiskey Finished in Madeira Casks 109.6 Proof 750 ML

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  • Regular price $ 229.99

Classification: Straight Rye Finished in Madeira Casks

Company: Sweet Amber Ventures

Distillery: Willett Distillery

Release Date: August 25, 2021

Proof: 109.6

Age: NAS ( states whiskey is as old as 8 years with an average of 6.5 years)

Mashbill: Exact percentages undisclosed (Blend of high rye and low rye mashbills.

Color: Dark Copper


Red raspberries | Strawberry | Mint | Charred oak | Faint anise | Touch of smoke


Brown sugar | Strawberry rhubarb | Oak | Hint of grape


Rhubarb | Fig | Plum | Charred oak | Spice